Dr. Raul Serrano, D.C.
If you want to learn how to radically transform your body and health, this will be the most important book you'll ever read.
But First A Warning.
Listen. This book is good. It can definitely help you.
But if you are not willing to change your eating habits for 2 weeks and you're looking for a magic pill to lose weight and heal your body...then don't get the book.
Here's the deal...
The system explained in this book is working for my patients and our online community and the results speak for themselves.
But am I saying that all of your problems will be solved in 14 days?
Of course not...
In fact many people won't see any change because they never put it into practice.
This is not a magical miracle cure that requires no effort on your part.
For those who do try though...the results after 2 weeks are so incredible, it provides the jumpstart to follow the rest of the plan that leads to a long-term healthy lifestyle.
WITH THAT SAID, let me show you...
Exactly What Your Getting
First of all, this book is not like any other diet or nutrition book you've ever read. It is not full of fluff or filler, it just gives you the proven system that I use with my own family and patients.
And it's easy to read.
You can read it in an afternoon and you'll immediately understand how and why the system works and will have the entire framework to follow that has resulted in patients of mine losing over 15 pounds and dropping medications in just 2 weeks.
And It's About MORE Than Just Weight Loss.
See you can use this same system to improve the health of your whole family which leads to less illness and fewer trips to the Dr.
I have patients who have been able to stop multiple medications and many who haven't been back to their primary care physician in years.
For example, Ruth was 62, had already battled cancer, was overweight and had just been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and congestive heart failure and her list of prescriptions just kept growing...
Her heart was broken because doctor told her she was unfit for travel and could not go on the missions trips in retirement that she had been dreaming of for years.
Ruth dove into the REBOOT program...(Now, serious issues like that aren't going away overnight) but after her first REBOOT many of her were cut in half, after the second REBOOT she had lost 27 pounds and was able to get off a few prescriptions completely.
Fast-forward one year and Ruth was on a plane making her first missions trip to Haiti.
See, when your body is REBOOTED to function the way it was intended, the body can naturally take care of a lot of what gets thrown at it.
Plus, when your hormones are in balance and you're burning fat you just feel great! More energetic and focused and you sleep better too...
It's the way God intends it to work, we just have to remove the interference and this system will help you do that.